Middle School Students

Tourism, Hospitality and Resort Management

Tourism, Hospitality and Resort Management program is a college preparatory curriculum that integrates unique high school courses with practical internships and business leadership training. Students participate in project based learning, field trips and job shadowing within the multiple segments of the hospitality cluster. Students learn about cultures and destinations worldwide while exploring high level career opportunities in the world’s largest hotel and resort industry. Students have the opportunity to attend a yearly conference designed exclusively by Palm Beach County’s Industry Leaders and take part in competitions and leadership training workshops. All three Tourism, Hospitality and Resort Management Programs are part of the National Academy Foundation (NAF), established to promote academy excellence. There are no eligibility criteria required for students applying to these programs.

Forest Hill Community High
Olympic Heights Community High
Palm Beach Gardens Community High

In-House (You can only apply to the in-house program if you reside in the school zone)

*For details regarding specific programs offered at each school, please see the Choice Programs Booklet